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Dennen Steel President, CEO Dennen Passes Away

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Veteran steel executive Andrew Dennen has died at the age of 68. He served as president and CEO of Dennen Steel Corp., Grand Rapids, Mich.

The Grand Rapids native entered the steel industry in 1980, partnering with his uncle, Philmore, to restart Dennen Steel Corp., which had been sold by his father Cyron in 1976.
Over the next 20 years, Dennen Steel transitioned from a traditional steel service center into a metal stamping business with locations in Grand Rapids and Burns Harbor, Ind.

He is survived by his wife, Lisa Bullis; brother, Pete Dennen; sister Joy Scher, one daughter; and one granddaughter.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Jewish Federation of Grand Rapids, Temple Emanuel or Amnesty International.