ITC Rules Domestic Producers Injured by CORE Imports
Metal Center News Staff on
Jul 6, 2016
July 6, 2016 ITC Rules Domestic Producers Injured by CORE Imports The U.S. International Trade Commission voted unanimously June 24 that unfair imports of certain corrosion-resistant steel products from China, India, Korea and Taiwan are injuring domestic producers and workers, setting the stage for antidumping and countervailing duties. The ITC vote came on the heels of a similar ruling regarding cold-rolled steel products. "United States Steel Corp. is pleased with the ITC's affirmative decision regarding corrosion-resistant steel imports. The domestic steel industry has suffered dramatically due to the increase in unfairly traded imports, but this decision is an encouraging step toward a level playing field," said Mario Longhi, president and CEO of the steelmaker. U.S. Steel was joined by AK Steel, ArcelorMittal USA, California Steel Industries, Nucor and Steel Dynamics in filing the trade suit in June 2015. The petitioners cited an 85 percent increase in imports of CORE products between 2012 and 2014. Based on the ITC’s finding, goods that entered the U.S. from China, Italy and Korea before Nov. 5, 2015, will not be subject to retroactive countervailing duties. Goods that entered the U.S. from China, Italy, Korea, and Taiwan before Jan. 4, 2016, will not be subject to retroactive antidumping duties. "It's been a long battle—this petition was filed at the beginning of last June—and we still face massive subsidies and the dumping of other products. Pipe and tube producers and workers are suffering. China's overcapacity in steel, aluminum and many other products continues to damage world markets and undermine jobs and wages,” says Leo Gerard, president of the United Steelworkers.