AdQ Research Survey Returns
Dan Markham on
Jul 8, 2019
The July issue of Metal Center News is now available. As you peruse it, please be aware we are again conducting an AdQ Research in conjunction with the issue.
The survey is designed primarily for our valued advertisers. Whether they’re mills or master distributors, processing equipment makers or software providers, these are the companies that allow us to deliver content to you, the metal service center. The survey asks you who read the issue a series of questions on the advertisements inside.
For these advertisers, it’s a great opportunity to get instant feedback on how well they’re message is connecting with you, the people they’re trying to reach. An honest assessment from you on the message will help them better understand how the ads, and the companies, are perceived by their customers and potential customers.
There is also the opportunity to comment on the editorial content, telling us what elements of MCN you considerable must reads, and what areas of the magazine have less value to your operation. Again, all we ask is your honest appraisal.
We also recognize your time is valuable, so we’d like to make it worth your while. All respondents to the survey qualify to win one of three VISA gift cards, so it’s easily worth the few minutes it takes to fill out.
No one knows the metal distribution business better than you do. The more of that knowledge you can pass along to us, in whatever form possible, the better we’ll be able to provide a magazine that lives up to the tagline on the front cover: Solutions for Profitable Distribution.
Look for the survey in an upcoming eblast from
[email protected] or send an email to
[email protected] to request a link to the survey.