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Two Canadian Dumping Cases Filed

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The Canada Border Services Agency has initiated an investigation into alleged dumping of certain carbon steel welded pipe from Pakistan, the Philippines, Turkey and Vietnam. The investigation follows a complaint filed by Novamerican Steel Inc.

Six days later, the CBSA launched a second investigation into dumping of certain corrosion-resistant steel sheet products from China, Chinese Taipei, India and South Korea. The investigation follows a complaint filed by ArcelorMittal Dofasco, which was supported by Stelco Inc.

In an ongoing case, the Canadian International Tarde Tribunal has found that China, South Korea and Vietnam all likely interfered in the Canadian market for cold-rolled steel in coils and strips. Preliminary determinations will be issued this month. 

On average, a dumping investigation through the CBSA takes about seven months to complete, when the Canadian International Trade Tribunal rules on the matter. The CBSA investigation and CITT inquiry are conducted simultaneously but separately.

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