
Athader Simplifies Recoiler Changes

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Changing the recoiler over-arm separators is a time-consuming task which can leave a slitting line sitting idle, unable to run production while the operator is changing the setup of the separator discs. Slitting lines from Athader allow the operator to change disc setups and simultaneously run production with the use of the Overarm Separator Staging/Change Out System.

Athader lines are equipped with a separator shaft staging cart that is located behind the recoiler. This enables the operator to prepare for the next setup in a safe area while the line is running. When the coil is finished, the operator pushes a button to automatically remove the overarm separator shaft, returning it to the staging cart. It then retrieves the new setup and places it in-line ready for production.

If space is available behind the recoiler, this automatic system can be adapted to most existing slitting lines.

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