LVD Strippit, Akron, N.Y., has launched the Electra FL 3015 8kW fiber laser cutting machine. The ultra-high-speed Electra cuts a range of ferrous and nonferrous materials as fast as the thermal process allows without dynamic compromise, the company claims.The Electra 8kW can maintain 2G acceleration speed while cutting, producing cuts in simple to complex configurations. The Electra FL also features a new cutting head, new “smooth lead-in” feature, advanced drive system and the latest generation of LVD’s Strippit’s Touch-L control.Electra is equipped with an advanced cutting head featuring automated adjustment of focus position and focus diameter. Zoom focus control can dramatically improve piercing times, cutting speeds and cut performance in all material types and thicknesses, increase throughput and reduce the need for operator intervention. The ability to change the focal point allows Electra to pierce 20-millimeter material in just two seconds for significant productivity on fully nested sheets. This also means that less heat is generated in the material, making it more efficient to cut small holes.For more information, call 800-828-1527 or visit